Hello all,
We hope you all had a wonderful Easter Break!
This month is Stress Awareness Month. We understand that life can get us in the way. We are happy to support Stress Awareness Month. Physical exercise is a great way to relieve your stress, so head over to http://www.nkhfitness.co.uk/classes and find a class of your choice! There are five tips to manage your stress:
1. NKH Fitness classes🔥: We offer a variety of classes such Clubbercise or HIIT.
2. Practice meditation 🧘🏾♀️: Practice meditation about 5 minutes with calm music and focusing on your breathing sitting in the lotus position (on the floor with legs crossed)
3. Reach out to someone📱: Call or text someone who is important to you (parent, family, friend, etc)
4. Self-care🪷: Setting boundaries and have ‘me’ time to yourselves.
5. Prioritise sleep😴: Rest is essential. Lavender and magnesium spray can help your sleep routine.
Take care of yourselves!
NKH Fitness Team