Hello everyone! We hope all is well with you and having a great week. In this blog we review our new Legs Bums and Tums class which was happened last Saturday morning. The class was brilliant and our participants enjoyed it! Karen recorded our classes and took photos for our promotional/advertising use only.
Firstly, we started out with a warm up containing different mobility exercises by waking up our joints, muscles and raising our temperature up. We continued to increase our heart rate to start off with our aerobic build up, moved on to standing exercise to target our abs, thighs and buttocks. In between the aerobic warm up we did bodyweight exercises, active rest such as (jogging on spot, march, boxer shuffle or high knee jog) was necessary to keep our blood flowing. After that, we moved onto a quick aerobic cool down before using our exercise mats.
We continued on with our MSE section (stands for Muscular, Strength & Endurance) to exercise on our mats. Firstly, we did abdominals and obliques to tone our mid section of our bodies. And we did our back and glutes sections (buttocks) by lying on our front. Plus an extra glutes and hip exercise whilst we were on hands and knees. It was intense but we have gave participants our modifications options, for example: Go down on your forearm for an easy option or use low impact moves.
And then finally we done a cool down, stretch and relaxation after our LBT workout to calming music and it was peaceful and relaxing.
Here we are with our own LBT workout for the first time. We have been in the fitness industry for two years and we are still improving and learning all the time.
Our Review: The class was effective and fun, we would say this class is for anyone who loves bodyweight/toning or has done cardio already or anyone is fully committed to be fit and want to get active and tone up. This class makes you sweat and relaxed after a workout. This is also for all levels from beginners to advanced.
Remember: A 45 minutes workout is about 4% of your day. No excuses!
We will remind you our next LBT session as we would love to teach this more often!
Thank you for reading and again thank you for your support!
Have a good day!
Natasha & Karen
NKH Fitness Team