~Transformation Tuesday Featuring Julie Jarrett~
Julie has been going to our classes since April 2016 where she discovered our Clubbercise classes at NKH Fitness. Not only just Clubbercise, she also has tried Legs Bums & Tums and HIIT. And she used to try Beatz Fitness dance workout as well. She has been very supportive and knowing that we love what we do. Julie became best friends with Karen and also became Natasha's godmother.
Here's Julie's story:
"Before photo I didn't take any proper exercise until in my fifties. Just happened to see an advert on Facebook about Clubbercise at NKH Fitness. The best thing I did that was over two years ago and I still enjoy going. Love the routines and music dancing in the dark with glow sticks. Not only do I feel better for getting fitter, lose weight and tone. I have made life long friends. My NKH Fitness and Clubbercise family."
We love hearing your stories!❤️ Send us your story to nkhfitness@outlook.com and also send two photos: one before and a recent one via attachment.
Stay tuned for next customer shout-out and their journey with us!
NKH Fitness Team x